Scheduling Efficiency in Contact Centres

Kesto:1 t
Teknologia:Oppia (GoToWebinar 2)


Maksuton webinaari

Welcome to the Wave webinar: Scheduling Efficiency in Contact Centres!

How can you tell how efficient your contact centre is? Why does it matter? There is an industry standard for how this is calculated, but at Puzzel, we think there is a better way.

In this webinar, you will:

  • See a short demo of Puzzel WFM
  • Learn what Scheduling Efficiency is
  • Understand what is wrong with the traditional calculation
  • See Puzzel’s answer to how Scheduling Efficiency can be calculated fairly under any under or over staffed scenario.


Tim Wharfe

Tim was a founder of U-WFM and is now the Consulting Manager at Puzzel since the acquisition in April 2020, primarily focussing on WFM. Tim’s background has been forecasting and scheduling in Contact Centres since 1999 and has worked at some of the largest Outsourcers and Financial Institutions in the UK, as well as some small start ups too.

Tilaisuus on osa Wave-jäsentoimintaa ja ASIAKASPALVALVELUVIIKON 2020 -ohjelmaa. 

Laura Hassel, Wave: laura.hassel(at)

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Wave toimii erinomaisen asiakaspalvelun puolesta. Wave-jäsenverkostossa on yli 100 organisaatiota - tulkaa mukaan aktiiviseen verkostoon! Ota yhteyttä Waven liiketoimintajohtaja Timo Keinäseen puh. 040 573 7790 tai timo.keinanen(at) tai osta suoraan OPPIASTA!

